Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ankle sadness

This is very frustrating. I am totally addicted to running now. I feel great and I love the confidence I get by being disciplined about my workouts. But something has happened to my ankle. I can tell they have never been very strong. My ankles get tired very quickly and I have to just push through it. Being new to running, there were all kinds of thing that I don't know about... and stress fractures are one of them. It snowed Tuesday evening so I used the treadmill in the gym on Wednesday to run 40 minutes. My ankle started hurting a bit that evening, but I figured it was just sore. I ran again Thursday on the treadmill and by Thursday night I couldn't walk. I did not feel a moment of pain, such as a strain or sprain of the muscle. Also, they say that stress fractures happen more often when you go from indoor to outdoor terrain, as I did going from the bridge to the gym. So, I don't know what to do. I can't stand the idea of not being able to run for weeks. Just when I am getting started? I'm really upset.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Since it has been a while, I want to write an update on my running this past week. What a thrill! Jogging while traveling allowed me to see the places I was visiting in a completely different context. While in Vegas, I ran the strip early in the morning, twice, and watched the sun come up over the desert mountains and reflect off the Vegas high-rises.

A few days laster, I was in Beverly Hills with my friends PJ and Emily. I ran through 90210, fantasizing about life if the zip code that so influenced my childhood. Beverly Hills' reputation is so much larger than the actual neighborhood!

Then I was in San Francisco, where I ran in fresh morning rain through the Redwoods in Sonoma County. Magical, beautiful landscape. I was drenched by the time I got to the cafe to check my email. I met a lovely man named Steward, who had lived many years in Paris.

I'm back now and have been running with Rachel in the mornings. It is so much fun to run with her and chat about things. The time flies by. The first morning, we did 35 minutes. 30 min this morning.

Friday, February 13, 2009

3 Days of Running the Bridge

This is the first post in 3 days. On Wednesday, I ran the bridge for the 2nd day and it was, dare I say... easy?!?!? Yesterday was a little tough, as the winds reached 55mph and I felt like I was working against the force of nature.

Today was lovely. The uphills were tough, still. But the downslopes were complete auto. It felt good. I am not overheating. My face still gets red but I level out more quickly.

My knee is bothering me. And my hip, too. The hip has been an issue for over 3 weeks now. But now the back of my knee is tightening up and swelling. I know I should give my muscles a few days to heal, but I don't think I'll get to run too much the first week I am gone, and I am nervous to stop early. I'll definitely run again tomorrow, but might not make it Sunday. Definitely won't run Mon-Thurs of next week. That stinks!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I did it!

I CONQUERED THE WILLIAMSBURG BRIDGE!~ Just 9 days after starting. I ran the entire bridge from Brooklyn to Manhattan and back without stopping. I so freakin' excited!

Yesterday and today were a little tougher. I felt weak yesterday... which made me realize that I need to eat more and better. Today was ok, but hard to get into the pace. The Auto is different than it was in the first couple of days that it kicked in. I am feeling a little bit like I can't get a deep enough breath. The funny thing about it is that I am not out of breath. Even when I stopped running and walked at the end of the run, I was immediately back to a normal breathing pace (which is amazing). But sometimes during the run, it just doesn't seem deep enough.

My ankles and calves really tightened up at the end and it was hard to get them loose. I tried to lift my knees and relax my ankles between strides, but then my stomach would threaten to cramp. I also noticed that when I stopped running, I felt very dizzy at first. I was walking, but the sudden change in motion seemed to throw me off.

I am noticing a huge change in my anxiety level and muscle tension throughout the day. I feel relief!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Today was beautiful! Almost 60F and sunny. I had a client meeting in Harlem, so I decided to run in Central Park when it was over. So beautiful. Not much to report physically. I ran longest time yet. It was really easy to keep going while people watching and seeing the beautiful scenery.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Day 6

What I noticed most today is the sensation of being completely overheated. Not while I am running, but when I stop. I just walked in the door and instead of the euphoric feeling I've had over the last few days, I feel groggy and a little dizzy. My head is throbbing and is the color of a beet. It is 41F right now and all I have is a sweatshirt and sweatpants. What the hell am I going to do when it gets hot?

Focusing on the positive, I made it over and back a bit farther than yesterday. I stopped about half way on the Manhattan of S1, and then began running again at S2; continuing the entire way. I almost ran the bridge back and forth completely!~ Only one stop for about 2-3 minutes.

I've also noticed that I am not out of breath anymore. At all! Even when I stop I am almost immediately back to a normal breathing pace.

Coming back over the bridge was tough at first. I felt exhaustion on the upside, but I kicked into auto by S3. My ankles started feeling tight at the end, so I lifted my knees and let my ankles fall loose in between steps. By the end I was kicking my arse with each stride. That helped to loosen my leg muscles.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Update on Days 1-4

Since I started this blog on Day 5, I want to record what I remember from the first days. The progress from day-to-day floors me, and I don't want to forget.

Day 1-
I thought I was going to die getting to the top of Section 1. The first minute of the jog felt very foreign, my ankles were tight, my knees were tight. I was barely more than walking fast.

By the time I reached the top of S1, I was out of breath and absolutely exhausted. It took a long time to catch my breath before jogging a small bit down S3. I turned back early and ran with intervals. My lungs were on fire.

Very painful day, but proud to have even attempted. I did notice that my body loosened up significantly after the first few minutes. I had been having lower back and hip pain, which I noticed went away while I was running.

Day 2-

A bit easier to the top of S1, but still tough. My body moved more easily. My lungs didn't hurt but still blew hot. What got me was cramping in my stomach. I ran a bit farther than the first day, but still didn't make it all the way across before turning back.

It was snowing today and I got pretty wet. But it was beautiful and there was no one on the bridge.

Day 3-

Much easier to the top of S1. I kept running and made it all the way to the end of S3-- significant increase! Still feeling exhaustion at the top of S1, but there was a moment where my body completely "let go". I felt all the stress leave my muscles and I just relaxed into the job. I felt my body switch to auto. I had no pain in my lungs, no cramping, no exhaustion. My body has begun processing the oxygen efficiently and my muscles no longer feel weak.

Cramping in the stomach got me on the downslope. I think it is my weak stomach muscles unable to keep my organs from bouncing around with each jarring step of the decent.

Day 4-

Ran into a friend on the way to the Bridge entrance, he ran with me! It was fun to have company but really difficult to talk.

Still exhausted at the top of S1, but able to run almost full span of bridge. Made it well into S4 before the cramping got me. Felt the release again today. Felt the auto-pilot kick in. My breath is leveling out. If the cramps quit, it seems I could just go an go. Never in a million years could I imagine that I could do this.

It is freezing outside. Literally. This past week has not seen temperatures outside of the 20's. But I like running in the cold. I can breathe easily. I get overheated easily. Even in this, I have turned beet red today (the first time since running the bridge).